Tunis: Dr. Laila bint Ahmed Al Najar, Minister of Social Development met with Amal Belhaj Musa, Family, Women, Children and the Elderly in the Republic of Tunisia.
The meeting dealt with issues of common concern and ways of benefiting from expertise of both sides in the support and empowerment of women in the various spheres.
During the meeting the two sides discussed issues related to childhood and elderly sectors and the programmes for empowerment of women among other issues.
Dr. Laila Al Najar also visited Sadiq Idris Centre for the Elderly Care and acquainted with its facilities and sections.
She also got acquainted with the centre’s experience in the elderly care through the various programmes, activities and services offered to this sector of society.
The minister also visited the Centre for Research, Studies, Documentation and Information on Women and was apprised about the rights of women and their presence in the public services political, economic, social and cultural spheres.